Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Emancipated Base

On this fifteenth day of September in the year of our country two thousand-eleven, a proclamation is being issued to institute a new Political Base. This Political Base is not defined by conservatism or liberalism and is not an answer to any existing Political Party or base. This base will consist of members from other political bases that are fed up with party politics and unaccountable elected officials. Whether you are an Independent, Green, Tea, Democrat or Republican Party affiliate, this political base calls for responsible action from elected officials. Henceforth from this day, this base will support nominating persons whom professional background provides a voice of reason in the political arena; backgrounds in Education, Science, Technology, Ethics, Engineering and Medicine (ESTEEM). America has fallen behind in the global competition to lead the world in all of these areas.

This base supports keeping jobs in America, universal healthcare- preferably Medicare for all which our elected officials benefit from- and Senator Recall in the remaining thirty-two states that do not currently provide the option. This base believes in doing what is right for the majority of the country, increases the public involvement in the political decisions of elected officials by way of Constituent Polls. This base will not support candidates that have prematurely “handcuffed” their political position by signing pledges that compromise what is best for the progression of the country. Bipartisanship will not be viewed as the new excuse to blame the opposite party for holding up legislation that benefits America. Legislation placed before the House and Senate for a vote will be viewed by a third party source for fact-checking, costs and a summary report to be placed on constituent polls. Earmarks must be accompanied by the requestor’s name and justification must be provided for said earmark to be added to the legislation.

 As you will notice, pro-life and pro-choice, legalizing marijuana, the second amendment right to bear arms and gay marriage are not listed- this party understands that these are differences that cross party lines. However, these differences should not be attached to or used to prohibit the passing of legislation that would otherwise benefit the whole of America. These issues have been used to divide citizens and block legislation for far too long. These should all be handled on the State level and have no place in Federal legislation.

Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in the Emancipated Base. We may not have a candidate in 2012, but we can endorse the candidate that we feel is the most worthy; we will have candidates in the midterm of 2014 and the Presidential election of 2016 when we can elect someone who looks to benefit the country and not to push a political agenda. Let us free ourselves from the bondage of a political party fand orce elected officials to push the agenda of the people and not the agenda of the highest contributor to their respective campaigns.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Reading Between the Lines of the Debt Ceiling Deal

I was so disgusted by the deal (concessions made) that was reached to raise the debt ceiling. I was so disgusted that I was contemplating not ever taking part in the electoral process of this country ever again. I voted for Barack Obama because he was "Change, I Could Believe In!" Now that we are two plus years into his term, I found myself with that feeling of making a poor hiring decision. Then it hit me, Washington was severely broken under the Bush Administration. The ideological Senator Obama did state that Washington is fractured and would take time to fix; he wanted to reform healthcare, develop new energy policies, and end two wars. So we get a Universal Healthcare Plan (Obamacare) that should have been a Medicare For All plan; a record setting bail-out of the financial and automobile industries; a new fuel efficiency standard that should decrease our carbon footprint (until lobbyist get the next regime to overturn it); and significant troop reduction in Iraq and Afghanistan. Oh yeah, and he gave the “go ahead” on bin Laden.

Iraq and Afghanistan bring me to my point though. President Obama and many other politicians and pundits have noted that the monies spent in Iraq and Afghanistan, if rerouted back home, would go a long way in rebuilding the infrastructure of America. Well, the debt ceiling deal has a second phase. This time there is a "trigger" associated with it. The initial debt ceiling deal cut about $900 billion in spending; with a little over a third of that being defense and security; with a second phase compromise calling for an additional $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction cuts and the raising of the debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion. Balanced budget here we come.

What is that trigger? The trigger calls for an additional $500 billion in cuts from defense if a deal cannot be reached on other deficit reduction agreements. To put this into perspective- the only thing conservatives hate more than taxes, is not being able to have the biggest, most expensive weapons of destruction at their disposal. In addition, where does the defense budget come from? TAXES. If you want to keep your toys, raise taxes. That is where the cuts are slated to take place. I am so glad that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid were not linked to triggers. The linking of the defense budget does not put our economy in a position to be held for ransom. Does this mean that the defense budget is being held for ransom? Indeed it does. Does it make me feel less safe? Not in the least. Not as insecure as knowing that America is one Congressional compromise (or non-compromise) from recession becoming depression.

I wish that Republicans and Reagan worshippers (that would be you Tea Party) could remember that Reagan raised taxes in '82, '83 and 84 because it was the responsible thing to do. It wasn't about party affiliation. It was about protecting the strength of the dollar. The dollar is the Word of America...and without your word, you have nothing.

Here’s to hoping that “Change, I Can Believe In!” doesn’t require much more patience. Now that the debt ceiling has been raised we can get back to waiting for 2016: when unemployment hits the safe zone of 5%.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Benefits of Clean Urine...In Florida

If you have not heard, the state of Florida has instituted a drug testing policy for welfare applicants. Many of the citizens (potential applicants) are calling this a violation of their "constitutional rights." Of course, this forced me to re-read the constitution just to be sure, that my opinion on the matter did not violate anyone's "constitutional right to "toke!"
Of course, there are people out there that really need the assistance they receive; I would never argue against taking that away. I just think about the times when I am in the grocery store, attempting to budget $75 for a week's worth of groceries. The shopper behind me has two overflowing carts filled with fruit roll-ups, tons of soda, chips and a various assortment of microwavable meals and sugary cereals. Of course, I am not one to critique a person’s diet, but when that EBT card gets whipped out, and my tax dollars go to purchasing over three hundred dollars of what I quickly equate to "munchies" (I know I stereotyped), I do get a little perturbed; not at the food choice, but the method of payment.
However, back to the point of the drug test; people that work for their money are subjected to drug tests. Those that "aren't working" but receiving assistance should also be held to a standard...especially since most of them have children/dependents that need to break the welfare cycle. Therefore, by testing the recipient/ steward of the assistance, you decrease the potential of the dependants in the situation being exposed to drugs. Those dependents rely on that assistance for food and shelter...not for the steward of the assistance to utilize drugs; whether it is habitual or recreational.
Without a doubt, there is always an underlining story of controversy-
Just a small snippet from

"Florida welfare laws that require applicants to submit to drug testing has gone into effect and the heat of controversy is afoot. The residents are just a few days into the legislation signed off by the governor last month because there’s a shroud of sinister intention behind the law.
According to the CNN report, Florida’s welfare applicants are responsible for paying for the drug test as a part of the application process for aid. They will be reimbursed for the drug test if they pass. But, the problem that Democrats are having with this seemingly unconstitutional law, is that in the not so distant past, governor Rick Scott co-founded a company that runs walk-in urgent care clinics in Florida and drug screening is among the services they provide.
It’s a little more than suspicious that he would push for such legislation in the state. And to throw the scent off his trail, in April, he sorta kinda broke ties with the company by transferring his interest in Solantic Corp. to a trust in his wife’s name and stating that they would not contract state business."

I just hope that this new requirement is truly meant as a means of rectifying the seriousness of drug use and influence in impoverished neighborhoods and not a means of further enriching governor Rick Scott.

Of course, if there wasn't testing for jobs, I would not be in support of testing for benefits and I wouldn't push this agenda for every state...only those that have "testing" for jobs also-and I wouldn’t require welfare applicants to pay for their own tests...pass or fail. I say this because some of the people that receive welfare benefits seem to get caught in a web that can span generations...because drugs have a way of bringing complacency and a sense of normalcy to bad situations, regardless of your "hood" being a trailer park or the projects.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Debt Ceiling/ Deficit Reduction...Senator Recall

Why is America constantly faced with a self-inflicted crisis? Why in the middle of economic peril are the "haves" somehow having even more and the "have-nots" somehow have even less? With the debt ceiling/ deficit reduction talks going on now, it may get even worse. What will be cut will be taken from those that don't have anything left to give. The temporary fixes, if you can call them that, coming from Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor are a slap in the face to the citizens of this country. More on what to do about them later...

With deficit reduction and the debt ceiling increase taking center stage on America's political landscape, Iceland and Greece immediately come to mind. Because Iceland went bankrupt and defaulted on $85 Billion in debt and Greece Gets World’s Lowest Credit Rating by Fitch on July 13, 201, cutting their rating three levels from B+ to CCC. Iceland definitely has a way to go to recover, but the Credit Raters Who Didn’t Predict Iceland Crisis Miss Rebound. Because Iceland defaulted, recovery is taht much harder, and expensive. How do you feel about the debt ceiling and deficit reduction talks? Is your Senator's vote inline with you or playing party politics with your future?

Does your Senator not vote the way you would like? Few states allow for a recall of a senator-only 18 and the District of Columbia. If you're not living in one of these states you have no constitutional rights to recall. The 18 states allowing for recall are as follows: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington and Wisconsin. Learn how to recall your Senator here.

I know most of the MAJOR players in the budget/ debt ceiling debate are not Senators within these states. However, generating majority support can be achieved with the constitutional right to recall within these states. Force the Senators of your state to push the Senators that are major roadblocks to the deficit reduction/ debt ceiling increase negotiations to realize that they could possibly lose a majority or become even more of a minority. Eighteen states may only be thirty-six percent of the union, but thirty-six percent can swing the balance of power within the Senate in one fell swoop.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What if the President Wasn't Black

I have a lot of progressive friends/ associates that may not approve of what I am about to do...yes, I am about to play the "Race Card." President Obama has been in office for 904 days and the majority of his policies have been based on economic status more so than of course more whites (being the majority) will benefit from his policies. But that isn't the point, the point is the blatant disrespect given the Commander and Chief by political leaders of Both Parties. The White Men or descendants thereof that have been running this country since the Revolutionary War. 

I see what you and your cohorts are doing Congressman Boehner...and I include you too Reid. Yes, I feel that Harry Reid and other democrats thought they were getting a "Charismatic Face" that would "shuck and jive" their policy to the masses, not thinking that the ideological Senator from Illinois would actually try to deliver on his campaign promises. Instead of pushing policies when Democrats had the majority and watching the country prosper, you Mr. Reid and Ms. Pelosi have embarked upon a course of action that lead to a loss of the majority during the mid-term elections. I continue to ask myself why, and the only answer I get is the one that Republicans haven't done a better job of shielding...IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. Don't get me wrong, I am not calling them RACISTS, I am merely saying that they have not given their full support because they find it hard to view a Black Man as their boss/leader, because it is in fact unprecedented.

Now, Mr. McConnell, Boehner, guys have outright REFUSED TO DO YOUR JOBS with the hope that the Black Man in the White House will get all the blame. Stop hijacking benefits and filibustering every possible solution to every problem. I know you find it hard to believe that your position is subordinate to a Black Man, but it is...and driving the country into the ground to ensure that another Black Man will not be trusted with the keys the country for another 232 years is downright dastardly, but brilliantly...who knew when McConnell stated the goal of having President Obama be a one-term president meant one-term for the entire Black Race.
And to you Black people out there (I aint forgot about you). Stop falling for the okie-doke. This goes for citizens and political leaders alike, criticize when criticism is needed, IT HAS NEVER BEEN ABOUT HIM BEING BLACK ENOUGH, but about him being a good president...there is still time if we can get our elected officials to stop the shenanigans and RUN THE COUNTRY like they were elected to do. Our President catches it coming and going, for some he isn't black enough and for others, he wouldn't be there if he wasn't black. The double-talk is tiring and the country is suffering because of it.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Looking for a Job?...Don't Hold Your Breath

Historically, job loss/ high unemployment usually hits and hits hard with an immediate effect. The recovery however, moves at a snail’s pace. Per the diagram below, unemployment was at 10.8% in November of 1982 and did not hit the safe zone of 5% until February of 1989. In the early '90s, unemployment hit 8% and did not reach the safe zone until five years later. In the earlier part of the millennium, it took a little over two years to recover from an unemployment rate of a little over 6%. In March of 2010, the unemployment rate hit 9.7%; now by my calculations based on history, we will hit the safe zone in January of 2016.

Not what you were expecting to hear, huh? Yeah, me either...not sure if the unemployment benefits will continue to be extended indefinitely. In the meantime, we will have three one-term presidents switching control from Democrat to Republican/Tea Party back to Democratic with the 2016 election. While we attempt to stave off a depression, politicians will have us believe that job creation lies within the bill not supported by the other party; all in an attempt to gain control of the White House.

As much as I dislike the blame game, this crisis will always lie with George W. Bush. The lack of domestic oversight (big government)/ regulations has caused a meltdown of epic proportion. So much so that it took the TARP (band aid) and an $800 billion stimulus (tourniquet) that merely halted the crisis, but did nothing to make it better. Here is to that continued job search until 2016...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Think Tank Suggestion

Just yesterday a friend of mine posted an article by Ezra Klein from The article came with this comment by my friend:

"Ezra Klein is doing the best work out there in making a case for why Democrats should be spend the next few years building support in Kentucky so they can defeat Mitch McConnell. He's the single most destructive force in American politics and he ain't never gonna change. He gotta go. Of course, the likelihood that Dems know this is slim since they suck."

With that quote, I submitted a request to my "Think Tank" to provide the blueprint needed to assist the Democrats. Every Democrat in the Senate and Congress should push for "Constituent Polls" to be conducted on every Senator and Member of Congress’ respective page. The poll would look something like this:

I, for one, get tired of hearing Representatives say they are representing the interest of their constituency, yet continue to vote to the contrary. So, in addition to the Political Aptitude Test I suggested in early April, let’s really bring about transparency in the process in which our elected officials operate.

This way we can see if Mitch acts in the interest of the citizens of Kentucky, or in the best interest of himself.

Disclaimer: Eleanor Holmes-Norton's page will have a "Constituents Response" poll, but will not have a Rep. Vote ledger.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What is Al Qaeda?

Al Qaeda announced a new leader this morning. Ayman al-Zawahiri, longtime #2 to Osama bin Laden's, Dr. Evil, has been named the new leader of this terrorist organization. To me, this begs the question, not who but, "What is Al Qaeda?" Many times they are described as, "Muslim Extremist or Islamic Militants, Jihadists, etc." There is always a description that links Muslims and Islam to terrorist. Let's take a look at some of the more prominent faces of Al Qaeda:

The faces of the bottom left and right may surprise you:

Anwar al-Awlaki
Nationality: United States. Holds dual American and Yemeni citizenship.Leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
Adam Gadahn
Nationality: United States
Propagandist. Grew up in California and converted to Islam as a teenager. Moved to Pakistan in 1998 and appeared in several al-Qaeda videos. Indicted and charged with treason in 2006

From this day forth, I personally choose not to use any term to describe Al Qaeda, than simply referring to them as Al Qaeda. The faith of Islam, based on my own knowledge, is PEACE. But before I get off topic, back to my question, “What is Al Qaeda?” Are they simply a terrorist network? A very well-organized terrorist network with an Org Chart, succession plans, expense reports and healthcare benefits...not to mention hiring from within for positions of leadership.

To quote the Washington Post about the vetting and selection process of a successor:

Zawahiri, 59, is regarded as a deeply religious leader who had the skill and experience to help turn an Afghan guerrilla movement into a global terrorist organization. But he is also considered rigid and lacking in charisma, and terrorism experts say it is unclear whether he can rebuild an organization that has been under siege by U.S. military and intelligence forces.
U.S officials and terrorism analysts had speculated that Zawahiri might face competition for the job of al-Qaeda leader from other candidates, such as Libyan jihadis Atiyah Abd al-Rahman and Abu Yahya al-Libi, both of whom were considered more personable.
But the al-Qaeda’s general command put out a statement on Thursday announcing Zawahiri’s appointment, according to the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors developments in radical Islamic groups.

Really, Zawahiri's weaknesses are that he is “considered rigid” and “lacking in charisma”; other candidates were considered because they are more personable...something about this synopsis really rubs me the wrong way. I'm not sure if it’s because we have the "intelligence" to gather this information, or if it’s the rational thinking makes me believe that the war with this "enemy" could indeed take 100 years (although the question was posed as Iraq) as John McCain stated during the 2008 Presidential primaries.

Will Osama bin Laden become the “Ronald Reagan” of terrorist cells worldwide? That charismatic leader that all vying for a position that he once held will strive to live up to.

Al Qaeda has [jihadist] websites, a la any “.gov” here in the U.S.; they have broadcast networks that lean towards their “political/ religious” positions a la FOXNEWS and NBC depending on your party. Al Qaeda even has different branches located throughout the globe a la the U.S. and military bases/ compounds. The branch that gives the U.S. most concern is in Yemen, which reportedly has emerged as the most powerful and active.

As much as it pains me to admit it Al Qaeda has a global presence, and operates as a Fortune 500 company or any other body of government. They apparently have a selection committee, board members and an unquestionable mission and vision for the world. So for me to finally answer my own question, “What is Al Qaeda?”

I still don’t know…

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Party Distractions: The Left Hand Doesn't Know What the Right Hand is Doing

On the Right side we have Sarah Palin; the greatest single political distraction in my lifetime. However, only the press, Late Show comics and those on the Left show her any attention. Republicans and Tea Party members don't take the bait though, treating her as the (insert description) aunt that has an opinion on EVERYTHING although she knows nothing. She has a book deal and a tour bus to travel the country and dispell american history. She was made a grandmother from a pre-marital sexual relationship her daughter had; the Republican National Committee spent more than $150,000 on clothing and make-up for then Gov. Sarah Palin, her husband, and even her infant son in the midst of an economic crisis; and most of all, SHE QUIT HER JOB AS GOVERNOR TO PROFIT FROM A PUBLISHING OPPORTUNITY.

On the Left side we have Anthony Weiner; a New York Congressman, who by all acounts is very good at his job (although he had unfunfilled dreams of being a Chip-N-Dale dancer). He too gets attention from the press, Late Show comics and those on the Right. The difference here is, those on the Left take the bait- taking stabs at Weiner that cut deeper than Lorena Bobbitt. Yes, his actions were inappropriate for a married man and I will not attempt to defend him; I will also not call for him to resign as his colleagues in Congress are doing. What Congresman Weiner tweets is between him, the recipient and his WIFE.

Not much about Sarah Palin screams conservative or intellectually qualified; she is a sound-bite machine used by the RNC to deflect the fact that they are holding up job creation...
They are holding the economy hostage by FIGHTING AGAINST HIGHER TAXES and FOR TAX BREAKS (for people that don't need or want them).

Anthony Weiner on the other hand (Left) represents his constituency well. As a New York City councilman 1992-98: Weiner initiated programs to tackle quality of life concerns. He started a program to put at-risk and troubled teens to work cleaning up graffiti. He spearheaded development plans for historic Sheepshead Bay that led to a revival of the area; and, when supermarkets started leaving the neighborhood, Weiner worked to reverse the trend. As Chairman of the Subcommittee on public housing, he fought to increase federal funding, to ban dangerous dogs, and to add more police officers to the beat. His investigation into the cause of sudden, fatal stairwell fires made headlines; he exposed dangerous practices that eventually led the city to replace the paint in developments citywide.

He is also a big supporter of gay marriage (human rights if you will)...because he fights for his constituency; his party though, would much rather fight amongst themselves instead of showing the solidarity that the country needs to see. The democratic base will falter along with the elected political leaders because their focus continues to be deflected away from real issues.

The Right hand showed this solidarity during the first of the GOP Presidential Nomination debates. There were plenty of opportunities for them to turn on themselves, yet they took the platform to show a unified front against the current White House...without involving Sarah Palin...who is somewhere near Mount Rushmore looking for the image of Limbaugh.

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Right to Choose; Quality of Life and Death

Usually when the phrase, "The Right to Choose" is used, it’s the beginning of a Roe V. Wade debate. Not many know of Oregon's Death With Dignity Act:

On October 27, 1997 Oregon enacted the Death with Dignity Act which allows terminally-ill Oregonians to end their lives through the voluntary self-administration of lethal medications, expressly prescribed by a physician for that purpose. The Oregon Death with Dignity Act requires the Oregon Department of Human Services to collect information about the patients and physicians who participate in the Act, and publish an annual statistical report.

In 2006 the United States Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling that stated that "Death With Dignity protected a legitimate medical practice.” Of course, by this time Dr. Jack was one year away from being released from prison for a second degree murder conviction in which he assisted a terminally ill patient in committing suicide (by injecting the patient himself, as opposed to the patient taking the “final action). I point to a paragraph of the Hippocratic Oath that justifies the Dr. Kevorkian's actions:

I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given to me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.

Dr. Kevorkian provided a medical service to patients that was not available to them; to stop being a patient. All of these people were of sound mind; with family members that may not have agreed with the decision, but respected the wishes of their loved ones. Bedside manner and hospice care for the terminally ill has changed for the better since Dr. Kevorkian; and I don't see anyone seeking to prosecute Congress for the assisted suicide of our economy. Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Back to the topic at hand, the right to choose. Many of us are currently without health insurance, PERIOD, and lack the financial means to be able to make any medical decisions that could possibly save our lives. If the best medical decision for a patient is to end their own suffering, is that not the same as denying treatment that could “possibly” cure them? The real problem society had with Dr. Kevorkian is that he made it clear that we will all die one day. Death wasn’t supposed to be viewed as a cure…and that was the cure that Dr. Kevorkian offered to end the pain and suffering involved with terminally ill patients. The great doctor often referred to his medical critics as, “hypocritic oafs;” because they could not see the big picture.

Dr. Kevorkian was the first to propose giving murderers condemned to die the option of being executed with anesthesia in order to subject their bodies to medical experimentation and allow the harvesting of their healthy organs. He delivered a paper on the subject to a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1958.

How can we call someone that had the foresight to advance medicine by way of soliciting organ donations from a previously untapped source, Dr. Death? As unlikely as this is, I believe that Dr. Kevorkian deserves a posthumous pardon.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Prisons Aren't Meant to Be "The Projects"

Prisons aren't meant to be the projects; of course, I'm not sure which has the most fences surrounding it- of course that is a whole other topic...A New York Times article prompted this blog:

Reported by New York Time's Adam Liptak:

"Conditions in California’s overcrowded prisons are so bad that they violate the Eighth Amendment’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment, the Supreme Court ruled on Monday, ordering the state to reduce its prison population by more than 30,000 inmates."

The United States is the world's leader in incarceration with 2.3 million people currently in the nation's prisons or jails -- a 500% increase over the past thirty years. These trends have resulted in prison overcrowding and state governments being overwhelmed by the burden of funding a rapidly expanding penal system, despite increasing evidence that large-scale incarceration is not the most effective means of achieving public safety.

The Sentencing Project provides this very glaring statistic:

More than 60% of the people in prison are now racial and ethnic minorities. For Black males in their twenties, 1 in every 8 is in prison or jail on any given day. These trends have been intensified by the disproportionate impact of the "war on drugs," in which three-fourths of all persons in prison for drug offenses are people of color.

What this statistic doesn't tell us, is how resources that should be used to house those within our society that should be in prison for "rehabilitation" is being used to house people that pose no real threat to society. The people were arrested for PURCHASING DRUGS FOR PERSONAL USE. I am not condoning drug use, I am merely highlighting a fact that gets lost in the statistics game of law enforcement. I understand that drug abuse is not only the user; those that sell drugs are addicted to the life that drug trafficking has provided. A drug conviction (especially crack cocaine) is not considered a violent crime, but a "crime of violence." The lifestyle and violence that goes along with crack cocaine is what these men (mainly people of color) are being convicted on; distribution, or possession with the intent to distribute. When paraphernalia carries a 10 year prison term, we have a problem.

Prisons are dangerously overcrowded and that forces the co-habitation of inmates that pose a threat to everyone, and inmates that could be better served with proper rehabilitation programs. Many of these programs have been discontinued due to "lack of funding," which leads to churches and communities taking on the burden of providing a service in which they are not properly qualified, staffed, or educated. If you came to this blog by way of Facebook, please go to The Sentencing Project's page. Don't just click like, read the material; know what is happening, because contrary to popular belief the punishment doesn't always fit the crime.

This blog is not sponsored by The Sentencing Project, and the statements made herein may or may not reflect the views of the Sentencing Project, its affiliates, subsidiaries, sponsors or parent companies.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

To Raise or Not to Raise...The Debt Ceiling and "Reaganomics"

Yesterday (May 16, 2011) U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner gave a rough deadline of August 2nd for the nation's debt ceiling to be raised by about $2,000,000,000,000.00. That is about 14% of the current debt limit. It would take an additional two trillion dollars to keep America from defaulting on debts....WOW!!!

I find it amazing how the political arguments have shifted from one party to another on the major issues that our country is faced with...Universal Healthcare was supported by both sides at different times for the purpose of winning the popularity battle with voters. It was also fought against by both sides; with both drastically overstating and understating the ramifications, respectively.

Now we have the debt ceiling, which our current president voted against when proposed by his predecessor. Of course, the consequences [no risk of default] weren't as great then...but are as significantly great as in 1983 when President Reagan (pictured above) requested that the ceiling be raised. In a letter to then Senate Majority Leader Howard, President Reagan warned that without a higher debt ceiling the country would be forced to default for the first time in its history:

Reagan wrote: “The full consequences of a default – or even the serious prospect of default – by the United States are impossible to predict and awesome to contemplate. Denigration of the full faith and credit of the United States would have substantial effects on the domestic financial markets and the value of the dollar.”

Those that oppose raising the debt ceiling make accusations that "defaulting" is only a scare tactic used by President Obama and Treasury Secretary Geithner. Freshman Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) says that "breaching the limit would cause only a partial government shutdown." Too bad it isn't the part that pays his salary.

All of the citizens of this country that oppose raising the debt ceiling please take a look at Iceland. Do you want to go to the bank one day only to be told that everything that you worked hard for is gone? FDIC insured you say? If we are willing to allow our decision-makers (and I use the term loosely) to play a game of chicken with the national debt, then the money that’s in the bank is as good as worthless. The tick for tack politics of wanting to rewrite Universal Healthcare (some know it as Obamacare) for approval on raising the debt ceiling is unacceptable. The time for political posturing is not now. There is a looming crisis with a solution staring it right in the face. Call your political representative, whether they are Democrat, Republican, Independent or a Tea Party affiliate, and demand that they do what is necessary to keep the bills paid. Hold their re-election ransom. Far too many people have already lost everything; not enough people have recovered- let’s not let it get worse. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Celebrating the Death of bin Laden; I Undertand but Don't Agree

How long has Osama (Usama for FOX viewers) bin Laden been dead? There are multiple reports that he has died, or been killed, since December 2001. My own personal response to this is...SO WHAT!!! Conspiracy theories do us no good; except for distract us from other very real issues.

I am a firm believer that former President George W. Bush had nothing to do with 9/11, sorry Michael Moore; and would have taken the same action as President Obama to get rid of Osama bin Laden had the opportunity presented itself...even if he was preoccupied with terminating Saddam Hussein and liberating (oil from) Iraq. Conspiracy theorists would have me (us) believe that bin Laden not only survived in caves with a dialysis machine strapped to him like a suicide bomb, but that he also died somewhere between a week to a decade ago, depending on the motive for their story.

Had Osama bin Laden died or been killed before now, especially during the Bush presidency, I am 100% certain that George W. would have also interrupted Celebrity Apprentice to give us the news. Even worse, had this happened any time prior to the 2008 election, we would now have a McCain/ Palin White House; or at the very least, a Republican President and VP (most likely Condoleezza Rice).  Oh, yeah, and the Tea Party probably wouldn't exist...

Back to the death of Al Qaeda's leader; has bin Laden really been more than a figurehead since September 11, 2001? He was the face of the "War on Terror!" Now that his death has been confirmed, I can honestly say that I am neither overjoyed nor empathetic to either side. His death does not bring back the lives he took and seemed to only make those that lost someone to the attacks on the American Embassies abroad, the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the flights remember sadness.

It has been reported that Osama bin Laden received a proper Muslim burial at sea as to not have his gravesite become a shrine to future terrorists. Well, it looks like the media has done an even better job of turning him into a martyr, by constantly running the story of his death. With every report of his death, there are mentions of his "accomplishments" as a terrorist. Yes, we trained him, armed him, and eventually became one of his victims. Isn't this the type of vulnerability we shouldn't be showing the world? Exhibit A- Major Nidal Malik Hasan and Fort Hood; this infiltration was only two years ago. As it has been stated by many, killing Osama bin Laden is not the end; hopefully it puts us one step closer. Let us remember that while his death may be cause for Americans to celebrate, it serves as motivation for an equal number of terrorists to bring about even more death and destruction. 

With that being said, can we get back to caring for those that have lost loved ones and homes to tornados, earthquakes and tsunamis? You know, those very real issues.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

News Flash: Obama's Freedom Paper's are Legit

Now that President Obama has presented his "freedom papers," can we get to solving some of the issues of this country? I find it appalling that this has even become an issue. If someone can provide false documentation and ascertain the position of President of the United States, then are we really a super power?

My wife's friend was recently told by her employer that she had a week to leave the country because her VISA was attached to the job, and the job was coming to an end. America denies VISAs to any one that is HIV positive (how they determine this in the process without becoming moderately evasive eludes me). Arizona's "Show Me Your Paper's" Act of 2010 has been amended to a degree, yet still enforced.

Back to the topic at hand, this would not have been an issue if Barack Obama was born Barrett O'Bama, born to a single white mother and raised by his grandparents. Whatever happened to George W.'s military record; didn't that issue disappear during debates; even though it wasn't completely resolved. Wasn't the birth certificate "issue" resolved about four years ago? That's right, this country doesn't get that resolution should have some finality to it.

Now to solving problems...there's unemployment, healthcare, two wars, and the budget. I choose to highlight the budget. The Tea Party and Republican have taken an initiative started by Nancy Reagan as their position to any Democratic budget proposal; "Just Say No" was a bad way to solve the drug problem that plagued the inner cities of our country, but proves to be a great political strategy in matters of the budget. "Just Say No" has always been a very simple approach to a very complex problem. Now it is the very simple approach that adds even more complexities to a problem that will not solve itself. Congress has gotten by for decades without addressing real issues...unless you count steroids in baseball. What part about, jobs create tax revenue goes over the heads of politicians? Oh yeah, no matter what is proposed, "Just Say No."

Sort of like President Obama's "freedom papers," now we have to check them for integrity. Yes they have the official seal of Hawaii, but we want to add a little redundancy by also requiring that it be notarized. Mr. President, you better make sure all the license plates in your motorcade are up to date before you hit the campaign trail in Arizona...or you will be the first President ever deported.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Decision 2012...and beyond

Before I begin, let me preface this with, I AM NO KARL ROVE; although Trump probably blames me for getting President Obama elected too- Karl Rove calls Donald Trump a Joke

Now, time to get to the serious business of political strategizing. I am not really a party guy, however I do get irritated at how strategically organized the GOP is compared to the democrats. So, here is my strategic advice to the democrats for 2012. Okay, it’s a given that President Obama will be on the ticket. To really compete with the GOP/Tea Party, let’s change his running mate. Although I am not a big fan of Hillary Clinton personally, I respect her political position more than I do VP Joe Biden. That and she never called (then Senator) Obama "clean...and speaks well." VP Biden has been known more for his gaffes as Vice President than anything else. I say let him "voluntarily" step down from the 2012 ticket.

Our President is getting his 2012 campaign slogan off the ground and who other than Hillary Clinton can help him better achieve, "Let's Finish What We Started!" With this bold move, President Obama should then solicit Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice for Secretary of State to show how bi-partisan he is willing to be. Of course I wouldn't expect either of them to accept this position, however, in the name of bi-partisanship; they should have the opportunity to nominate viable candidates for the president to consider.

Bringing someone from the "other side" serves a great purpose; but back to Hillary as VP. The democratic base was spilt for the majority of the primaries leading up to the 2008 election. That type of split will lose the 2012 election after so much has already been accomplished. Besides, who is better to discuss the importance of President Obama's Universal Healthcare plan than Hillary Clinton? She was only the biggest supporter as First Lady in 1993. Her role as Secretary of State only gave her a much deeper grasp of foreign policy and the political landscape of foreign allies and enemies. Not to mention, you get the most popular democrat of them all, Bill Clinton, all over the campaign trail. Of course this would springboard Hillary right to the top of the 2016 ticket where she can, "Continue the Movement!"

As I stated at the beginning of this blog, I am no Karl Rove- let the criticisms fly.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Implementation of a Political Aptitude Test (PATs)

Colleges will not admit you without good, above average or phenomenal SAT scores; Law School has the LSATs, and the MCAT tests aptitude for acceptance in to medical school. Hell, even the military has the ASVAB. So why do we have people holding political positions on the local, state and federal level without undergoing a Political Aptitude Test (PAT).

I for one feel that PATs should be implemented, and no one can be grand-fathered in. If the only Amendments of the Constitution you know are the First (Freedom of Speech, etc) and Second (Right to keep and bear arms, etc.), then you better be really adept at balancing your local, state and federal deficit with your respective gross domestic product (GDP).

I for one am growing tired with the nonsense that goes along with politics. Is Barack Obama a citizen? Really, Don, that would be your running point. We are talking about the highest position in the world as it relates to National secrets, and the ability to initiate the end of the world with the push of a button. To question citizenship is to question background; let me put this into better perspective...

The PATs would have questions such as, have you ever filed for bankruptcy. Yes, you have made and LOST millions, even billions, but as Commander and Chief, I personally, do not want to be lead by someone where the risk would be just as equal to the reward. You sir are a businessperson. Stay there. Mr. Trump, I am interested in how you would fair, on such an aptitude test. Would you be good at finding ways to make this country profitable? I am sure you would, but it would be by doing something as asinine as contracting out our own military, ON THE RECORD… because you would not be able to resist the advertisement of having the best product in the world. Bad enough we sell weapons...but I digress.

Of course, the aptitude test would address conflicts of interest. As President, would you have any business interest that would conflict with your policy-making decisions (Halliburton 2.0 anyone). Yes, I support the institution of Political Aptitude Tests. As the ASVAB does for the military, not just anyone can select Military Intelligence as a military occupation. The results should also be public, to be viewed without "Spin Doctors." We all know the campaign trail has promises; the aptitude test is what it is. I am not singling you out Mr. Trump, as I stated in the beginning, all current politicians from our President to every at-large council-member in every locality, should be made to take such a test. Except for D.C. of course, because they never really counted anyway.

Jack Kennedy once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Well, the PATs would allow us to ask that of every potential politician.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

D.C. Mayor "Vinnie" Gray arrested for trying to influence a vote in D.C.

In response the the 2012 Congressional Budet agreement, the mayor of D.C. and several council members protested the lack of input from D.C. officials. The budget has riders that prohibit the District of Columbia from spending any locally generated revenue on abortions, places D.C.'s needle exchange program in limbo, and continues a program that allows students to use federally funded vouchers to attend private schools. Here is a spoof of how it all played out.

D.C. Mayor Vincent "Vinnie" Gray and other D.C. officials that have been having legal troubles were arrested yesterday for civil disobedience. Council Chairman Kwame "Dos Navigatos" Brown, who could possibly face a federal investigation concerning campaign finance misuse and reporting, was also arrested. Apparently, "Vinnie" Gray and "Dos Navigatos" Brown were behind a mastermind plot to undermine the federal budget and sought to influence the vote concerning that budget.

Also involved were Michael "Money Making" Brown the I-at-Large council member and Tommy "Big Gun" Wells. Wards four and seven council reps, Yvette Alexander and Muriel "The Bruiser" Bowser were also rounded up in this sweep of arrests that took place on Constitution Ave in the northeast quadrant of D.C. It has been reported that all of the council members along with mayor "Vinnie" Gray were caught red-handed conspiring to influence budget decisions, with dozens of witnesses available for testimony

Feeling the need to protect their territory from a new player in the area, "Big Balls" Boehner from Ohio, the council sought advice from a former delegate, now congresswoman. Not caught in the conspiracy round-up was Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, known to those in her circle simply as, "Big Mama" has become very elusive to authorities. "Big Mama" was not present at the meeting on Constitution Avenue and information from an unnamed source is "that she refused to be a part of it because she was not allowed to vote on the agreed upon course of action."

"Big Balls" Boehner and is cohorts look to move into D.C. and have apparently frozen the funds of this band of conspirators known now as the "Organized Council." "Vinnie" Gray was very vocal in his thoughts of how it is unfair that his council could not spend the funds they generated how they saw fit due to federal oversight; and thought that being penalized for spending said funds was absurd...he and the rest of his council have also been reported to never use ATM machines outside of their banking network.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Do Ask, Do Tell...Accept

First, I commend President Obama on signing the legislation to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Sadly, the damage of this legislation has already been done. The mindset that was opposed to gays serving openly in the military has not only affected the military, but society as a whole. I will get to society soon enough, but back to the military. Given that we have a volunteer populated military, I personally would never be opposed to someone defending the freedoms that I take for granted, based on sexual orientation. By the way, so do 77% of all Americans. Apparently, the majority of men and women serving in our military DON’T CARE about the sexual orientation of their fellow soldiers.

I seriously doubt if this will lead to drag shows in the barracks of boot camp; however this is what the supporters of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" will have us believe. The great compromise of 1993 brought about by President Clinton, has seen 13,000 troops discharged because of its institution. I'm sure that when our soldiers are patrolling for suicide bombers, or bringing order to unstable situations, the sexual orientation of the soldier serving at their side is of no concern. Concern over sexual orientation however, is the problem.

This brings me to the impact on society. A mindset that can force people to be comfortable with not expressing their true self is not only manipulative and dangerous, said mindset has the potential to drastically change the scope of society. The term, "Down Low" became very popular in the late 1990s; mainly amongst the African American population. I think that the mindset behind "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is the same mindset that brought about closeted homosexuality. To remain closeted, many male homosexuals chose to have committed heterosexual relationships. Not because they wanted to, but because society did not accept them for whom they were. Just like the military, homosexuality was/ is frowned upon in some parts of society, and within the realms of religious purity. I will not get into whether or not homosexuality is wrong in the eyes of religion, which is a matter that is left up to interpretation of religious doctrine.

What I will get into, is the outbreak of HIV/ AIDS in society. This is a direct correlation of people not being accepted for who they are, and people not accepting people for who they are. The HIV/ AIDS epidemic started out as a gay white man's disease. Now it runs rampant in many of America's impoverished and African American neighborhoods. We say that we are a land of freedom, with the first amendment, and the power of individualism and expression. I ask then, why is the expression of sexuality by individuals who do not subscribe to heterosexuality frowned upon? Is not the best way to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS, a problem that the military was not face with, with "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," is to properly educate society. I say properly, because it seems as though the only people that receive any real information about HIV/AIDS are those that contract it. The rest of us only receive information on how to protect ourselves from it, unless of course we are put in a position to care for someone that has it.

We now have people that have lived with the HIV virus for over 20 years. I say use them, the education starts there. The military is now open to gays serving openly, and I am sure there will be no camouflage pumps or t-shirts tied in knots issued to military uniforms. The mindset that brought about "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" fears this for some reason. They will have us believe it via uneducated propaganda. The men and women of our military are soldiers. They understand what being a soldier entails. However, in society, due to stereotypes and idiodicy, we will continue to receive the very basic in HIV/ AIDS awareness, "Wrap it Up!" Just like "Just Say No," this is a very simple solution to a very complex problem within society and does not truly address the issue at hand. Accepting people for who they are is the first step. People being honest about who they are is the next; so I move to bring about, "Do Ask, Do Tell...Accept" into our society.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

State of the Budget (speech from our President)

My fellow Americans,

Our nation has entered into a defining moment in its history, where we are faced with the possibility of a government shutdown. Let congress be forewarned, that a government shutdown, would affect the citizens of this nation in epic proportions. The best way to approach this challenge is to have a goal, not let politics get involved, and to remember that it is you, the citizens that will be affected if it does. Now, I have met with Majority Leader Boehner and Minority Leader Reid and I expressed my concern, no wait my displeasure, with the amount of time it has taken for Congress to agree on a budget. I do not want to hear any more excuses. I want it done. Do not blame the so-called Tea Party.

This is not November 29, 1773, and America is not faced with tariffs, America is faced with a turning point that will ultimately effect, education, jobs, our military and the future. Now is not the time to play party politics. Shutting down the government would affect our troops, who have already sacrificed enough for our country, and to hold their pay as ransom for budget cuts is unacceptable. That's right you heard me, without a budget, our troops aren't compensated. Their families that rely on it must go without; we would be asking the young men and women of our military to sacrifice on both ends. I have utilized Executive Privilege, to extend this congressional session until an agreement is reached.

I have made it clear, that I will not sign off on a budget that cuts programs for higher education yet provides a tax break for the wealthiest one percent. I will not sign off on a budget that awards tax breaks for shipping American jobs overseas, when we have unemployment numbers at its highest point since the Great Depression. However, I will sign off on a budget requires seizing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan so that those monies can be used to rebuild the infrastructure of America. The resources are there to create jobs and stimulate the economy, they just need to be re-appropriated.

Now, Senators Boehner and Reid, you have my fullest confidence in the execution of this budget, and I know that you will not let me and the American people down.

Thank you, and God Bless America.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Revolution Should be Televised

For the second time this year, the political parties that run this country have entertained us with the sound bite- "Shutdown Showdown." They have come out of negotiations with two very different reports on progress. I guess they would rather discuss the NFL lockout; instead of doing their jobs. We have the Left reporting that they have agreed with a number to trim from the budget, and we have the Right reporting that they haven't agreed to anything. They want a specific amount cut and they would rather shutdown the entire system than to compromise. Does the Right view the Left as terrorists; and have dutifully instituted the, "This Nation Does Not Negotiate With Terrorists Act of 2012." The only problem with this is, they are colleagues that are supposed to share the same goal of running this country in the best interest its citizens.

So I offer a simple solution, televise the proceedings. Let us see what each side wants to cut, and why. Let us hear the Right argue how those with the most deserve more. Let the Left counter with economic growth, job creation and the ability to win the future are not up for the chopping block.

If the proceedings were indeed televised, this is how I imagine it going (closed caption provided by my keyboard).

Right: If we allow this administration to create jobs, it will undermine our 2012 bid for the White House.

Left: Unemployment is at an all-time high, and job creation is what everyone in this room ran on.

Right: And we will create jobs, starting on January 21, 2013- just in time to save us for the mid-term elections. Nothing personal, just politics.

Left: But it was you all that put the country in this predicament to begin with.

Right: The past is the past and we've change; we understand what is important, and just as our pledge stated, "We will continue to do what we've always done."

Left: Okay, you win. Can we break out the Wii now?

(Final six hours of the proceedings go to blue screen)

Both sides emerge from the proceeding looking tired, (mainly from the physical exertion of playing Wii) and the Dems seem very satisfied. The Republicans look beaten, yet victorious.

This is what they report:

Donkeys (because this is where they make an ass of themselves): Compromises were made in the name of Bi-partisan ship (meaning we switched up teams in our Wii playing after we proved to be the dominant party) and everyone had the opportunity to express themselves in this compromise.

Pachyderms  (so named because they never forget how good those good olde times were): We didn't get everything we wanted (they lost at Wii), but we are satisfied with the cuts that were made. We got to mix it up a little bit with the asses over there and I must admit, they were just as serious as we are about keeping the government running (Wii track and field).

Tea Leaves: These proceedings were business as usual in Washington.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Okay, today at approximately 5:00PM it took $58.00 to fill up a 4-cylinder vehicle, did BP blow another underwater well? Oh, that's right, oil is now $108 dollars a barrel. I just purchased half a barrel of oil. I knew that filling up would cost me, which is why for the last three months I've set a $25-30 limit on gas procurement... which would sometimes get a half a tank or slightly more. So why did I even bother to fill-up, curiosity. I remember before I even knew how to drive, $5.00 worth of gas would get my mom across town on Sunday; then back and forth to work for the week. Now, five bucks just gets me as far as the next gas station. A gallon of regular gas in the late 80's was 0.89 9/10 a gallon, we are talking over a 400% increase, with gas in my area topping out at $3.79 9/10 a gallon.

First, we had the Iraq war to blame, then Katrina, Rita and BP. Now, we have Libya, oh yeah, and greed. It's the latter I have more of a problem with, cause in my opinion, helping the people of Libya was the right thing to do. Two, three years ago, I had a problem paying that much for gas, just to get back and forth to work. Now, I understand why the cost is what it is, and maybe blame is to harsh a word for Libya. Gaddafi, Khadafi, or Qaddafi whichever way its spelled on Mondays, did something to his own people and threatened far worse because they wanted change. If taking action costs $3.79 a gallon, then I am willing to accept that for the greater good.

The greed on the other hand, I cannot accept. Don't fleece me at the pump, and still report record profits. If I have to pay more, then so be it; but where is your sacrifice Big Oil? One barrel of oil generates between 42-45 gallons of my $58.00 should have been good for at least 21 gallons and I only have a 15 gallon tank... so the cost per gallon should be between $2.40- $2.60 a gallon, who gives a damn about processing and overhead, have you scene the economy, make a sacrifice.

I just purchased half a barrel of oil, and used approximately 85% of it. I consider that a 15% gratuity added to my tab, which is somewhat unfair, because I was very dissatisfied with the service.

It Begins With YOU, not us.

Mr. President, this is going to hurt me a lot more than it is going to hurt you.

President Obama's re-election campaign has been officially announced. Oddly enough, the ending leaves us with the message, "It begins with us." I understand that choosing our elected officials begin with us; but re-election rests solely on the candidate and what they were able to accomplish. Mr. President, you have accomplished many things while in office. The only thing is, no one knows what. You've spent the majority of your presidency defending the decisions you've made as a leader.

First Decision- the BAIL-OUT. Okay, I agree that the bail-out was needed; the information provided afterwards is what's lacking. Everyone received the information that Corporate America received checks from the government (our tax dollars) with a lot of zeros on them. There was a government takeover of the some dealers in auto industry, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Back to the bail-out; what gets comingled in the bail-out is unemployment. Yes the economy was on the verge of meltdown, and the bail-out was needed because our banking system was indeed TOO BIG TO FAIL! Now, what most citizens don't know is that only $411 Billion (cough) of the $700 Billion in bail out money was distributed, and more importantly, 70% of it has already been repaid. This is where it gets tricky though...unemployment hit an all-time high; foreclosures went through the roof; and we had "cash for clunkers."

Unemployment, while still too high, gives the impression that the economy isn't recovering. The bail-out wasn't a job-creating bill, it was an "OH SHIT, SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE AND FAST" kind of bill. Both the left and right knew this. The Right used it to posture themselves for the 2010 election, citing that the government has spent trillions of dollars and that deficit is at a record high. Once the bail-out was approved, the message to those of us that funded it disappeared. Unemployment. For some reason, that keeps coming up. See how it just gets mixed in there.

Job creation is what I want to hear about. Not how important it is that you get re-elected, and that "It begins with us." You promised to begin bringing troops home from Iraq, and you held up your end of the deal on that. You promised to fix the economy, still a work in progress; just work on your communication. Like Ed in North Carolina, I don't agree with everything you've done, but I do trust you (most of the time). So tell us that you are going to create jobs- then make it happen.

Speaking of working on your communication, what's the state of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Thought we forgot about it didn't you. I refuse to do another Google search to get 3000 links to different information tainted by bloggers, FOX, and also liberals that spin the information provided to achieve ulterior motives.

What I don't want to see are "Happy Hours" at the White to discuss "race issues" with Prof. Henry Gates and Sgt. James are the President! This should have been played out in a court of law, regardless of who was right or wrong.

Also, what I don't want to see is another episode similar to Shirley Sherrod. Mr. President, you possess a Harvard education, deductive reasoning, critical thinking and proper decision-making skills. You jumped the gun without receiving all the information. If anyone should have been invited to the White House for a drink, it should have been Ms. Sherrod; with defamation of character and slander charges brought about on Andrew Breitbart. But I digress.

What is to be done about unemployment, or is that something that also, "begins with us," as well.

Mr. President, I have decided to support your re-election campaign, just know, IT STARTS WITH YOU, NOT US.

Tell us what you accomplished; tell us what you plan to accomplish; cause above all other things, you have one thing going for you that not many elected officials do, I still trust you.