Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What if the President Wasn't Black

I have a lot of progressive friends/ associates that may not approve of what I am about to do...yes, I am about to play the "Race Card." President Obama has been in office for 904 days and the majority of his policies have been based on economic status more so than of course more whites (being the majority) will benefit from his policies. But that isn't the point, the point is the blatant disrespect given the Commander and Chief by political leaders of Both Parties. The White Men or descendants thereof that have been running this country since the Revolutionary War. 

I see what you and your cohorts are doing Congressman Boehner...and I include you too Reid. Yes, I feel that Harry Reid and other democrats thought they were getting a "Charismatic Face" that would "shuck and jive" their policy to the masses, not thinking that the ideological Senator from Illinois would actually try to deliver on his campaign promises. Instead of pushing policies when Democrats had the majority and watching the country prosper, you Mr. Reid and Ms. Pelosi have embarked upon a course of action that lead to a loss of the majority during the mid-term elections. I continue to ask myself why, and the only answer I get is the one that Republicans haven't done a better job of shielding...IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. Don't get me wrong, I am not calling them RACISTS, I am merely saying that they have not given their full support because they find it hard to view a Black Man as their boss/leader, because it is in fact unprecedented.

Now, Mr. McConnell, Boehner, guys have outright REFUSED TO DO YOUR JOBS with the hope that the Black Man in the White House will get all the blame. Stop hijacking benefits and filibustering every possible solution to every problem. I know you find it hard to believe that your position is subordinate to a Black Man, but it is...and driving the country into the ground to ensure that another Black Man will not be trusted with the keys the country for another 232 years is downright dastardly, but brilliantly...who knew when McConnell stated the goal of having President Obama be a one-term president meant one-term for the entire Black Race.
And to you Black people out there (I aint forgot about you). Stop falling for the okie-doke. This goes for citizens and political leaders alike, criticize when criticism is needed, IT HAS NEVER BEEN ABOUT HIM BEING BLACK ENOUGH, but about him being a good president...there is still time if we can get our elected officials to stop the shenanigans and RUN THE COUNTRY like they were elected to do. Our President catches it coming and going, for some he isn't black enough and for others, he wouldn't be there if he wasn't black. The double-talk is tiring and the country is suffering because of it.

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