My fellow Americans,
Our nation has entered into a defining moment in its history, where we are faced with the possibility of a government shutdown. Let congress be forewarned, that a government shutdown, would affect the citizens of this nation in epic proportions. The best way to approach this challenge is to have a goal, not let politics get involved, and to remember that it is you, the citizens that will be affected if it does. Now, I have met with Majority Leader Boehner and Minority Leader Reid and I expressed my concern, no wait my displeasure, with the amount of time it has taken for Congress to agree on a budget. I do not want to hear any more excuses. I want it done. Do not blame the so-called Tea Party.
This is not November 29, 1773, and America is not faced with tariffs, America is faced with a turning point that will ultimately effect, education, jobs, our military and the future. Now is not the time to play party politics. Shutting down the government would affect our troops, who have already sacrificed enough for our country, and to hold their pay as ransom for budget cuts is unacceptable. That's right you heard me, without a budget, our troops aren't compensated. Their families that rely on it must go without; we would be asking the young men and women of our military to sacrifice on both ends. I have utilized Executive Privilege, to extend this congressional session until an agreement is reached.
I have made it clear, that I will not sign off on a budget that cuts programs for higher education yet provides a tax break for the wealthiest one percent. I will not sign off on a budget that awards tax breaks for shipping American jobs overseas, when we have unemployment numbers at its highest point since the Great Depression. However, I will sign off on a budget requires seizing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan so that those monies can be used to rebuild the infrastructure of America. The resources are there to create jobs and stimulate the economy, they just need to be re-appropriated.
Now, Senators Boehner and Reid, you have my fullest confidence in the execution of this budget, and I know that you will not let me and the American people down.
Thank you, and God Bless America.
Dang boy! you need to write for him - this is pretty good