On this fifteenth day of September in the year of our country two thousand-eleven, a proclamation is being issued to institute a new Political Base. This Political Base is not defined by conservatism or liberalism and is not an answer to any existing Political Party or base. This base will consist of members from other political bases that are fed up with party politics and unaccountable elected officials. Whether you are an Independent, Green, Tea, Democrat or Republican Party affiliate, this political base calls for responsible action from elected officials. Henceforth from this day, this base will support nominating persons whom professional background provides a voice of reason in the political arena; backgrounds in Education, Science, Technology, Ethics, Engineering and Medicine (ESTEEM). America has fallen behind in the global competition to lead the world in all of these areas.
This base supports keeping jobs in America, universal healthcare- preferably Medicare for all which our elected officials benefit from- and Senator Recall in the remaining thirty-two states that do not currently provide the option. This base believes in doing what is right for the majority of the country, increases the public involvement in the political decisions of elected officials by way of Constituent Polls. This base will not support candidates that have prematurely “handcuffed” their political position by signing pledges that compromise what is best for the progression of the country. Bipartisanship will not be viewed as the new excuse to blame the opposite party for holding up legislation that benefits America. Legislation placed before the House and Senate for a vote will be viewed by a third party source for fact-checking, costs and a summary report to be placed on constituent polls. Earmarks must be accompanied by the requestor’s name and justification must be provided for said earmark to be added to the legislation.
As you will notice, pro-life and pro-choice, legalizing marijuana, the second amendment right to bear arms and gay marriage are not listed- this party understands that these are differences that cross party lines. However, these differences should not be attached to or used to prohibit the passing of legislation that would otherwise benefit the whole of America. These issues have been used to divide citizens and block legislation for far too long. These should all be handled on the State level and have no place in Federal legislation.
Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in the Emancipated Base. We may not have a candidate in 2012, but we can endorse the candidate that we feel is the most worthy; we will have candidates in the midterm of 2014 and the Presidential election of 2016 when we can elect someone who looks to benefit the country and not to push a political agenda. Let us free ourselves from the bondage of a political party fand orce elected officials to push the agenda of the people and not the agenda of the highest contributor to their respective campaigns.