Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Party Distractions: The Left Hand Doesn't Know What the Right Hand is Doing

On the Right side we have Sarah Palin; the greatest single political distraction in my lifetime. However, only the press, Late Show comics and those on the Left show her any attention. Republicans and Tea Party members don't take the bait though, treating her as the (insert description) aunt that has an opinion on EVERYTHING although she knows nothing. She has a book deal and a tour bus to travel the country and dispell american history. She was made a grandmother from a pre-marital sexual relationship her daughter had; the Republican National Committee spent more than $150,000 on clothing and make-up for then Gov. Sarah Palin, her husband, and even her infant son in the midst of an economic crisis; and most of all, SHE QUIT HER JOB AS GOVERNOR TO PROFIT FROM A PUBLISHING OPPORTUNITY.

On the Left side we have Anthony Weiner; a New York Congressman, who by all acounts is very good at his job (although he had unfunfilled dreams of being a Chip-N-Dale dancer). He too gets attention from the press, Late Show comics and those on the Right. The difference here is, those on the Left take the bait- taking stabs at Weiner that cut deeper than Lorena Bobbitt. Yes, his actions were inappropriate for a married man and I will not attempt to defend him; I will also not call for him to resign as his colleagues in Congress are doing. What Congresman Weiner tweets is between him, the recipient and his WIFE.

Not much about Sarah Palin screams conservative or intellectually qualified; she is a sound-bite machine used by the RNC to deflect the fact that they are holding up job creation...
They are holding the economy hostage by FIGHTING AGAINST HIGHER TAXES and FOR TAX BREAKS (for people that don't need or want them).

Anthony Weiner on the other hand (Left) represents his constituency well. As a New York City councilman 1992-98: Weiner initiated programs to tackle quality of life concerns. He started a program to put at-risk and troubled teens to work cleaning up graffiti. He spearheaded development plans for historic Sheepshead Bay that led to a revival of the area; and, when supermarkets started leaving the neighborhood, Weiner worked to reverse the trend. As Chairman of the Subcommittee on public housing, he fought to increase federal funding, to ban dangerous dogs, and to add more police officers to the beat. His investigation into the cause of sudden, fatal stairwell fires made headlines; he exposed dangerous practices that eventually led the city to replace the paint in developments citywide.

He is also a big supporter of gay marriage (human rights if you will)...because he fights for his constituency; his party though, would much rather fight amongst themselves instead of showing the solidarity that the country needs to see. The democratic base will falter along with the elected political leaders because their focus continues to be deflected away from real issues.

The Right hand showed this solidarity during the first of the GOP Presidential Nomination debates. There were plenty of opportunities for them to turn on themselves, yet they took the platform to show a unified front against the current White House...without involving Sarah Palin...who is somewhere near Mount Rushmore looking for the image of Limbaugh.


  1. The Repub party has better discipline and loyalty. But I think the groundlings of the right party takes Palin very seriously. They love her - so much so that they contribute to her pac so that she is able to take a free family vacation.

  2. they also attempt to update Wikipedia to make her credible...that's what I mean by handling distractions; if this took place on the Left, said candidate would be branded "Un-Patriotic" for not knowing the history of Paul Revere... not to mention the PAC money would somehow be linked to misused campaign funds
